Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Is this me?

Is this me? Do I blog? I guess I do although I have no idea what I am doing. Oh well I am doing it anyway. This blog is sorta of a tool to be true to me and do what I do. What do I do, other than blogging that is? I make jewelry, at least that is what I would like to be doing. It is this constant tug of war I play with myself. I want to make jewelry and it is so exhilarating when I get to the point where I almost finish a piece waiting for that gleaming moment of completion. It is what I imagine crossing a finish line in a race to be. Never mind that I have never been in a race, but it is thrilling all the same. I feel totally alive! Like a rush of all emotions at the same time! Only problem is that I forget that feeling and forget to start a new project. I get lazy, watching mindless mush on TV and wasting countless hours on this very computer. I MUST BREAK FREE! My inspiration has come from my sister-in-law who sells her own pastries and desserts and is training for her first ever triathlon and started a blog to keep her motivated. I had to sign on so I could track her blog and found myself thinking what a great way for me to get motivated. I mean if a woman who handles chocolate on a daily basis can train for a triathlon making jewelry should be a piece of cake! Ha ha I couldn't resist. Anyway my finish line= Me selling my jewelry for others to enjoy. So, is this me? Well, I hope it can be. Maybe with a little nudge in the right direction it can be.

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